Band: Hot Club of Troy
Album: The Spirit of Django Reinhardt
Published: 2022
The Hot Club Of Troy plays music in the style of the renowned Quintet of the Hot Club of France, and its legendary leader: guitarist Django Reinhardt. Reinhardt, along with the immortal violinist Stéphane Grappelli created a genre sometimes called Gypsy Jazz, Gypsy Swing, Manouche Swing, or just plain Django Music. The Hot Club of Troy’s music swings with a wild abandon that allows sparkling melodies to rise from the pulsing rhythm guitars and bass. Guitarist Troy Chapman, deeply versed in the playing style of the great Gypsy guitar master, introduces audiences to the grooving dance tunes and the haunting melodies of an earlier time that sound as joyful and fresh today as the day they were written. Joined by the outstanding musicianship of Mickey Grimm, Molly Felder and Jonti Siman, The Hot Club of Troy will leave you enthralled, inspired and tapping your toes.